Apprenez à répondre de manière professionnelle aux demandes de fonctionnalités des clients avec ces modèles d'e-mail. Trouvez des suggestions alternatives et apprenez à gérer les demandes qui ne correspondent pas à la vision de votre entreprise.
Si vous travaillez dans le secteur du SaaS il y a de fortes chances que vous receviez constamment des demandes de fonctionnalités de la part de vos clients. Les demandes de fonctionnalités sont des messages que les clients envoient pour s’informer sur une fonctionnalité qui n’est pas incluse dans votre produit ou service. Le fait de recevoir des demandes de fonctionnalités ne doit pas être considéré comme un commentaire négatif. En fait, cela signifie que vos clients sont suffisamment intéressés pour partager leurs idées sur la manière dont ils pensent que vous pourriez améliorer votre produit ou service..
Toutefois, nombre de ces demandes ne correspondent pas toujours à la vision de votre entreprise ou n’ont pas de sens pour la majorité de vos clients. Peu importe si vous allez mettre en œuvre la fonctionnalité demandée, vous devez toujours répondre aux clients de manière professionnelle et vous assurer que votre message laisse une impression positive. Voici quelques-unes des meilleures façons de répondre aux demandes de fonctionnalités des clients, y compris celles qui ne s’inscrivent pas dans la feuille de route de votre produit, ou qui pourraient être possibles mais ne seront pas mises en œuvre dans un avenir immédiat.
La gestion des demandes de fonctionnalités peut être difficile. Bien qu’il n’existe pas de moyen parfait de répondre à toutes les demandes de fonctionnalités des clients, car cela dépend largement du contexte, voici 7 modèles d’ email de demande de fonctionnalités qui peuvent vous aider à élaborer vos propres réponses de manière efficace tout en garantissant que vos clients restent satisfaits de votre réponse même si vous devez rejeter leur demande.
Modèle d’e-mail #1
Hi [Name],
Thank you for contacting us. You’re asking a great question. I can definitely see how this feature could be beneficial, but unfortunately, it’s not something that we can offer right now.
Could you please explain what you were hoping to achieve with this feature (in the event that [Product] did support that feature)? If you do let me know, I can possibly recommend a workaround or alternative solution.
I’m sorry that we can’t offer you this exact feature, but please tell me if there’s anything else that I can help with.
Modèle d’e-mail #2
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for emailing me about this. Right now, we do not have this feature available. I can certainly understand how that might be frustrating for you, especially given the scenario you described.
That being said, we aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. I’m going to pass along your thoughts and needs to our product development team, and I will let you know if this becomes something that we might build in the future.
Thanks again for contacting me. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other ideas.
Modèle d’e-mail #3
Hi [Name],
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. There’s no way to do that at the moment, but the good news is that we have already started working on that feature, and it will be available in one of our upcoming releases.
I’m going to make sure that we reach out to you as soon as this feature goes live. Is this the best email to send that notification to?
In the meantime, I recommend [alternative solution]. If you have any other questions or feedback – please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Modèle d’e-mail #4
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for reaching out about this and sharing your perspective. While we currently don’t offer this feature, we are planning on offering something similar to it in the near future. I can’t give you the exact timeline of when it will be ready, but I can tell you that it’s already in the works and we’ll have it released within the next few months.
I just added you to the follow-up list, so as soon as we do have news regarding this feature, we’ll be sure to reach out. Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or feedback.
Modèle d’e-mail #5
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for reaching out – that is a great suggestion and I appreciate you explaining how it would help you out. We have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re actively looking into the possibility of developing it – it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months.
That said, I have added you to the follow-up list, so you can be sure you’ll be the first to know if and when anything changes on the status of this feature.
Though we can’t offer exactly what you’re after, I do have a suggestion that might get you most of what you need: [different features with a similar functionality].
Please, let me know if you have other questions, concerns, or feedback.
Have a great day,
Modèle d’e-mail #6
Hi [Name],
Thank you for using [Product/ Service] and moreover, for caring enough to send us your suggestion. We genuinely appreciate it.
There is no way to do what you’re asking for at the moment, unfortunately. While we don’t have plans to build anything like that in the nearest future, I can definitely understand why this would be a handy feature for you and other users.
I’m going to pass along your request to our product development team so that they can consider this moving forward and weigh it against our current product roadmap. In the meantime, I’ll be sure to reach out to you if anything changes about this or we start to work on it.
Thanks again for writing in and I’m sorry that I didn’t have better immediate news for you.
Modèle d’e-mail #7
Hi [Name],
Thank you for writing in and sharing your specific case. I understand how frustrating it must be to lose a feature that you’ve come to rely on, however, it’s not something we plan to replace. Let me give you a bit more context on why we made that change and how it will hopefully benefit you and other customers in the long run.
In short, it was a complex feature to maintain. It wasn’t being used by the majority of our customers, which meant we were spending a lot of development time and resources on something that wasn’t making our product better for most people.
That being said, by deciding to drop it, we’ve been able to allocate those resources into building [features X and Y], that have been long-awaited by many users – and you’ll see them rolling out much sooner than we originally planned.
I realize that it doesn’t solve your immediate issue, though. Some of our customers have found that [alternative feature] is a good substitute for that functionality. I hope that helps to some extent.
Thanks once again for taking the time to reach out. If you have any other questions, feedback, or concerns, please let me know.
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Si les utilisateurs trouvent des bogues ou demandent des améliorations d’un produit, ils peuvent en informer le fabricant en soumettant une demande de fonctionnalité.
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